Facebook has upgraded its mobile site m.facebook.com in order to serve better user experience no matter what device it is being used on.
Lee Byron, Interactive Information Designer at Facebook announces that the new m.facebook.com will enable the high-end touch device users to experience a rich-touch friendly interface. The site will appear and work great on all feature phones.
Facebook earlier had many versions of its mobile site suited for different features mobile phones like touch.facebook.com for touch devices and m.facebook.com for less feature rich mobiles. But with the new m.facebook.com every device will use the same framework, which means, that everyone can access the same information. It will also enable us to move faster and develop features just once for every mobile device. It will automatically serve the best version of m.facebook.com for each device.
The upgraded m.facebook.com is powered by a UI framework on Javelin, XHP and WURFL, which are detailed mapping user agents to device capabilities. The framework helps us to target features and experiences to various different devices.